Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Number sequence Implementation in Dynamics AX 2012

In Dynamics ax 2012, there are number of enhancement in number sequence framework and implementation as well, here are the simple steps that needs to follow to implement it.
1 Created a new EDT
2. Added the code in the class NumberSeqModuleSalesOrder method loadModule() , see existing implementations in the loadModule method for reference.
3. Created a new method in the table SalesParameters to access the next sequence number. The method should return your module enum and also one method for each datatype (check existing implementations in the SalesParameters table)
4. Write a job that initiates your class and call the loadModule method

static void jobName(Args _args)
      NumberSeqModuleSalesOrder  NumberSeqModuleSalesOrder = new NumberSeqModuleSalesOrder();


Above job is important to run because without it your new number sequence will not be available to number sequence form under Parameters. This is the change in behavior from AX 2009 where all new number sequnce loads while restarting the Dynamic AX. In AX 2012 all the number seuqnce created to system while installation, so restarting the AOS wont effect in loading the new number sequence, that is why it is important to run the job to load new number sequences.

For implementation of new number sequence in new Module you should create a class following below steps

1.Add the NumberSeqModule enum with your module.
2. Create a new class for your numSeq which extends NumberSeqApplicationModule class with the standard methods (check existing implementation for any module like Project)
3. In the loadModule you put all your datatypes for which you want to create number sequence, again follow any existing class for the implementation.
4. rest of the steps are same that you need to create a job to load the new number sequences.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Adding Find\Filter functionality on Display method AX 2009

Override Context method of Form control which is using display method and provide code for filter. E.g I have done below for PhysicalInvent field of InventOnHandItem form.

void context()
int                     selectedMenu;
real                    test;
formrun             fr;
Args                   ag;
Itemname           strtext;
querybuilddataSource    qb1;
queryrun             qr;
query                   q;
PopupMenu        menu = new PopupMenu(element.hWnd());
int                       a = menu.insertItem('Find');
int                       b = menu.insertItem('Filter');
int                       c = menu.insertItem('Remove Filter');

selectedMenu = menu.draw();
switch (selectedMenu)
case -1:
case a:
ag = new args('SysformSearch');
fr = new formrun(ag);
strtext = fr.design().controlName('FindEdit').valueStr();
q = inventSum_Ds.query();
qb1 =q.dataSourceTable(tablenum(InventSum));
case b:
case c :

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Document Printing Error in AX 2012

Error message which is encountered when printing a business document in AX 2012 e.g. Sales Packing Slip, Purchase Order…
The following error message was recorded:
“Error while setting server report parameters. Error message: The item ‘/DynamicsAX/StaticReports/en-US/SalesPackingSlip.Report’ cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)”
The report viewer screen then displays a blank screen
Error Message Printing Sales Packing Slip AX 2012
Error Message Printing Sales Packing Slip AX 2012
To fix the issue, follow the menu path System administration > Setup > Business Intelligence > Report deployment settings and uncheck the checkbox “Use static report design”
Report Deployment Settings
Report Deployment Settings

Sunday, 22 April 2012


ShriShail Technologies is a company founded by a group of aspirants, from diversified domains and work experience. We provide smart, technology-enabled solutions to solve our clients' toughest challenges, demonstrating a commitment to not only excel, but also drive with our passion to exceed expectations. Our organization is efficient in delivering intelligent solutions that are cost effective on various work areas such as Business Management Solutions, Microsoft and Open Source platforms. ShriShail Technologies allows you to achieve the agility, flexibility and adaptability that are essential to succeed in today’s highly competitive global market.

ShriShail Technologies Development Consultants / Developer have considerable experience on Microsoft Dynamics, Sharepoint, Microsoft Dynamics Ax , .Net, SharePoint and SQL Serve covering all aspects of business process design, implementation, support and maintenance.

Advanced skills exist in all Modules of the Dynamics AX solution (Trade, Logistics, Production, Inventory, Financials, Planning, Human Resources and CRM). Our consultants also have skills across modules to ensure that the impact on other modules is understood - this also allows a wider spread of services. We can therefore ensure business-wide expertise and support.